Selasa, 27 November 2012



SERIOUSLY , this is no kidding.. The situation yang makes me out of sync..
Before that , Assalamualaikum...

Seriously, no jokes.

 The BUSIEST time I'd ever encounter.

My hand trembling sebab kelaparan , my leg suffered pain from walking and walking and walking and standing without stop until the end of shift yang biasanya  I can finish up all my task right before the time.

AND my FIRST TIME  ever seeing all the ward staff in stress mode.. The nurses, the HOs' , the MOs'. Even our Sister pun turun padang membantu and join ikut stress.. ^^.. Can't blame them kalau they talking macam orang cari pasal.

The FEELING rasa macam mau give up. Macam mau lari dari kenyataan sebentar. My OTAK said ,

TOILET !!!!!!!

But THEN ,

Oh GOD , Kena buat itu dulu,
ALamak the neb due ,
Kena buat discaj dulu. Katil mau pakai.We need space for other patient
Observation belum siap lagi.
Feeding ! Suction !

I WISH that time , I can devided my body into THREE or FOUR part . Tapi semuanya sekadar ANGAN2 yang mustahil TERMAKBUL

IN the ENd ,

my ONLY body saja bergerak ke sana ke mari untuk menyiapkan all those kerja.
The WORD of LAPAR or whatsoever, TOLAK TEPI..

Actually , benda tu bukan cerita UTAMA hari ini. Itu MUKADIMAH JE..

The STRESSFULL ,HIGH TENSION sebenarnya MENYEDARKAN tentang SESUATU yang SANGAT BERHARGA yg entahkan sy JUMPA di tempat lain atau pun tidak.

Its not yang I tried to praise and raise the standard as we're the best team , tapi I can see the teamwork between THEM .( Well, include me jg )

1 ) Walaupun each staff been given different task/responsibility , they volunteer to help each other even without ask.

2 ) Walaupun , the keadaan sangat stressfull, They're not getting mad sampai berteriak or apa2lah , kecuali the tidakngam'an pendapat dan arahan in between 'them'

3 ) They still smile and laugh even tired. Masih boleh bergurau senda , walaupun mulut sometimes terlepas keluhan berat.


ALL yang ADMIT ,nampak COOL ja walaupun terpaksa duduk di kerusi sometimes almost 2hour. 

I wonder and wonder.. Then Realized that ALLAH is give a Hand to Ringankan BEBAN.


After all, its all about an Merasai Experience in life yang MUNGKIN JUST ONCE IN A LIFETIME..


All I can do is just turn to ALLAH , when everything seems out of control. Keep in mind that ALLah helping me to be a better person in the future.

MAy ALLAh Bless Us All..


Jumaat, 23 November 2012


Hari ini

Berdiri di 

hadapan cermin
memandang pada wajah yang nampak penat

I just keep silent
Touch my cheek,
Looking at my tired eyes.

pandangan ditusuk tajam ke mata sendiri
My teary eyes
Hey ,
kemudian dilepas keluhan perlahan

My hand touch my hair.
Tengok kiri , tengok kanan.

Im looking my old self.
senyum perlahan diukir,
Kemudian keluhan dilepas lagi.

Its been two years long ,
I do everything i can
Practise to smile everyday
try to keep up my work to take care of my face

Where's my sweet eyes looking ?
Where's my addictive smile ?
where my bright face ?
I just don't know...

Im still in my early twenties.
I should be the blooming flower
shouldn't I
shouldn't I

In the end
I get tired

Then said ,
Just let you yourself  follow the flow of your life

Tanya pada diri untuk kesekian kalinya
should I ?

                                                                                      owned by , 
                                                                                                                             this bored i.e

Isnin, 19 November 2012

Sad but sweet story. ^,^

B.L.U.E : Bravery, Loveable, Untouchable, Emotions.

Part 2 : Loveable.

"Congratulations. It's a cute Baby Boy!" said the nurse cheerfully. "a boy?" said the mother. "never mind. as long it's a cute little baby.." said the father. The newly born child given a name Lazarus by his father, but the mother always called him "Lazie..". A young boy with a pretty face. His mother treated him like a littl

e girl and dress up like a girl. As a child he couldn't say anything. Just following the orders around. Dearly father also couldn't help him. Poor Lazarus. Dearly mother actually wanting a baby girl while having Lazarus inside, but turns out as a baby boy.

But, one day.. Lazarus made up his mind to cut his silky black hair that mother usually loved to brush. He cut it.. cut it.. until it's short. His mother is really upset. Father just only could say to the Mother " dear, time goes by.." Soon after, her mother gets pregnant and after while for 9 months 10 days.. a baby girl was born but, this time the baby is the exact look as the father. Dearly mother is upset but still taking care of the baby girl named as Lizzie. Lizzie grown up to be a really boyish little girl. She hates pink, dolls and even a cute petite little dress. she'll be mad if mother tries to dress up her. Running away toward her father and saying. " Papa, why mama treat me like a girl? I'm a boy. A boy, papa! " claimed Lizzie. "Yes.. you're a pretty little boy of the family" father smiles lightly. Lazarus just watching them from his bedroom door. "so, Lizzie.. is my replacement? good." said Lazarus.

Slowly at the middle of the cold night. Lazarus packed up all his belonging and sneak out from house and also leaving a simple note..

" I'm going away for a while. Good-bye. "

Lazarus went away,
Leaving his family,
No promises to return again,
but, surely he'll make a comeback again.

So, Lazarus started his own life. Living at the orphanage house.

Lazarus restarting his life. Using a surname as Lauren. Time goes by and his already grown up to be a good-looking man.

to be continue.


It wasn't me who wrote this piece. It's just a simple story yet the writer just know how to make it sweet. Im just sharing out since I truly love this story. Credit given to the writer. Good job man ! keep it up !

Khamis, 8 November 2012

It is Good or Bad news ?

Yesterday, dalam keributan yang teramat sangat , our head ward ( sister ) suddenly cakap dengan saya ,  " A,check ur name di roster.starting next week u jadi mentor untuk staff yg transfer ke ward kita, "

Dengan kepala yang blur masa tu sebab busy tahap overload, i check my roster for next week. Nampak ada star2 tepi nama tapi xdipedulikan kerana my duty on monday tu lebih penting sebab sunday tu my off day..

Jam 2, my shift should be over tapi there's a lot yg belum siap. Thanks to dear kakak senior yang taking shift to pm for help me. Tapi memang itulah yang sepatutnya, tolerance and good teamwork..Hehe.

Masa tu baru teringat balik pasal mentoring tu. I ask again to confirm memang betul saya atau cik sister tersalah orang , since im still junior la kunu..Hoho

Free je sister cakap , " Itu kamu jangan question saya , "

and me, Ngeee ?

" Tapi sister , there's a senior than me. But why me? "

" Kamu sepatutnya berbangga saya pilih kamu jadi mentor. berapa tahun sudah kamu kerja ? "

" Setahun..... "

Sebenarnya , almost 2years experienced tapi saja mengurangkan  tahun untuk menunjukkan i'm junior. Tapi, memang betul i'm junior pun kalau  to compare the others.

" Up to six month , boleh jadi mentor sudah. Kenapa? kamu x confident ? "

Ahaaa, sister saja nak look down on me ke?

" Ok, thanks sister , "

Dengan perasaan serba salah, this nurse melangkah keluar ward. To be honest , im happy and feel honored sebab sister saw my potential to lead ( perasan ) , tapi dalam pada yang sama rasa serba salah kepada yang lain sebab TERdulu melangkah dari diaorang.

Hello, its just mentoring la..Benda remeh je, buat apa lah mau dibesar2kan..Haila, haila.. At that night I consult with my friend, bukan sebab mo show off ataupun bragging the thing, tapi memang rasa uneasy.

In the end, its a good things my friend said. I wish so too..

After all, its blessing given by Allah. Ye tak..

(Smiley face )

Ahad, 4 November 2012

.....Lalat Lalu..........

Pening kepala yang keterlaluan.. Semalam, lepas balik dari kerja, tiba-tiba rasa macam lemas.  Rasa macam x percaya, jam 7 pm pun, baring atas lantai sebab rasa ngantuk yang keterlaluan. Sementara menunggu my sis bersiap untuk kami keluar makan. 

Sampai lah balik ke rumah around 10.30pm, masih rasa sleepy yang keterlaluan tapi tahan dan tahan sampai jm12, lpas tu baru tidur. 

Terbangun jam 6 pagi sebab terasa bladder sangat penuh. Allah, beratnya kepala. Apa kejadahnya kepala sakit pagi2 begini. Then, sambung tidur lagi..sejam dua, manalah tau kut2 bila bangun, kepeningan tu hilang.

Nasib lah baik ada orang call and my hp set in loud tones. Sekali tgk jam, badan trus tegak 90darjah. Sebab............ Its 11am in the morning. Dalam Kepala masa tu

Ngaaaa, duty petang lah !
Allah, uniform tak iron lagi !
Kucing pun tak makan lagi !
Baju berlambak mo masuk mesin. Sempat ke kalau jemur?

Tarik nafas, hembus dan tarik..Kepala pun pusing2.. Takkanlah sebab semalam , tak minum kopi sepanjang hari trus jadi begini kut..HUHU

Tegur kakak kenapa x bangunkan si adik. Bulat je mata kakak ..

" Kakak berusaha ketuk pintu suruh bangun, tapi xbgun pun "
" Manada kakak kasi bangun. Kenapa xdengar bunyi ?"

My sis just geleng kepala..Tapi mmg btul, langsung xdengar apa..

And I ended up p kerja dengan keadaan pening2 lalat..Berharap agar my body keep balancing. Yalah, takut nnt tiba2 pula kut fainted at work, xke memalukan tu..

And thanks to ALLah for making ward in calm mood today..Huhu, 

Sampai la ni, masih terasa macam mabuk2. Kalau minum arak, lain cerita lah..Ni, langsung xpa pun masih duk pening.Haial nyawa..Sabarlah diri tanggung benda ni..Esok2 kut oklah tu..Kembali kepada keadaan sihat.