Rabu, 19 Disember 2012
STudy and study...
Q : what is the differences between pneumonia, bronchopneumonia , bronchiolitis ?
A :Well, easy.. The word itself.
conclusion : Go sink yourself anywhere !
Moral value : If you fail an anatomy system then you failed everything..Isn't it obvious ?
Don't even you dare to say that you're trying to save people's life.
Its 3am in the morning and I still wake up keep onlin'ing'.. I mean , i tried to get some information about some illness a.k.a disease. There's too much I eager to know.Being too busy at workplace makes me have no time to study..^^
Today, I just realise that if we failed to know about our anatomy system, that's mean DISASTER. YOU MIGHT HAPPEN TO KILL A PATIENT !!!
Y ?
Im allergic with anatomy. I'd never pass this thing ever since my highschool year, continue to my college year. I dunno whether its just me or I just can't take and digest this anatomy things.
Still, thanks to Allah for making my life easier everytime I have to explain something because, my brain always at the utmost..Haha..
No kidding.
Maybe, I just happen to save this anatomy system in my RAM unknowingly. Permanent memory.
Smiley Aayie........
Selasa, 27 November 2012
SERIOUSLY , this is no kidding.. The situation yang makes me out of sync..
Before that , Assalamualaikum...
Seriously, no jokes.
The BUSIEST time I'd ever encounter.
My hand trembling sebab kelaparan , my leg suffered pain from walking and walking and walking and standing without stop until the end of shift yang biasanya I can finish up all my task right before the time.
AND my FIRST TIME ever seeing all the ward staff in stress mode.. The nurses, the HOs' , the MOs'. Even our Sister pun turun padang membantu and join ikut stress.. ^^.. Can't blame them kalau they talking macam orang cari pasal.
TheFEELING rasa macam mau give up. Macam mau lari dari kenyataan sebentar. My OTAK said ,
TOILET !!!!!!!
But THEN ,
Oh GOD , Kena buat itu dulu,
ALamak the neb due ,
Kena buat discaj dulu. Katil mau pakai.We need space for other patient
Observation belum siap lagi.
Feeding ! Suction !
I WISH that time , I can devided my body into THREE or FOUR part . Tapi semuanya sekadar ANGAN2 yang mustahil TERMAKBUL
IN the ENd ,
my ONLY body saja bergerak ke sana ke mari untuk menyiapkan all those kerja.
The WORD of LAPAR or whatsoever, TOLAK TEPI..
Actually , benda tu bukan cerita UTAMA hari ini. Itu MUKADIMAH JE..
The STRESSFULL ,HIGH TENSION sebenarnya MENYEDARKAN tentang SESUATU yang SANGAT BERHARGA yg entahkan sy JUMPA di tempat lain atau pun tidak.
Its not yang I tried to praise and raise the standard as we're the best team , tapi I can see the teamwork between THEM .( Well, include me jg )
1 ) Walaupun each staff been given different task/responsibility , they volunteer to help each other even without ask.
2 ) Walaupun , the keadaan sangat stressfull, They're not getting mad sampai berteriak or apa2lah , kecuali the tidakngam'an pendapat dan arahan in between 'them'
3 ) They still smile and laugh even tired. Masih boleh bergurau senda , walaupun mulut sometimes terlepas keluhan berat.
ALL yang ADMIT ,nampak COOL ja walaupun terpaksa duduk di kerusi sometimes almost 2hour.
I wonder and wonder.. Then Realized that ALLAH is give a Hand to Ringankan BEBAN.
After all, its all about an Merasai Experience in life yang MUNGKIN JUST ONCE IN A LIFETIME..
All I can do is just turn to ALLAH , when everything seems out of control. Keep in mind that ALLah helping me to be a better person in the future.
MAy ALLAh Bless Us All..
Before that , Assalamualaikum...
Seriously, no jokes.
My hand trembling sebab kelaparan , my leg suffered pain from walking and walking and walking and standing without stop until the end of shift yang biasanya I can finish up all my task right before the time.
AND my
TOILET !!!!!!!
But THEN ,
Oh GOD , Kena buat itu dulu,
ALamak the neb due ,
Kena buat discaj dulu. Katil mau pakai.We need space for other patient
Observation belum siap lagi.
Feeding ! Suction !
I WISH that time , I can devided my body into THREE or FOUR part . Tapi semuanya sekadar ANGAN2 yang mustahil TERMAKBUL
IN the ENd ,
my ONLY body saja bergerak ke sana ke mari untuk menyiapkan all those kerja.
The WORD of LAPAR or whatsoever, TOLAK TEPI..
Actually , benda tu bukan cerita UTAMA hari ini. Itu MUKADIMAH JE..
The STRESSFULL ,HIGH TENSION sebenarnya MENYEDARKAN tentang SESUATU yang SANGAT BERHARGA yg entahkan sy JUMPA di tempat lain atau pun tidak.
Its not yang I tried to praise and raise the standard as we're the best team , tapi I can see the teamwork between THEM .( Well, include me jg )
1 ) Walaupun each staff been given different task/responsibility , they volunteer to help each other even without ask.
2 ) Walaupun , the keadaan sangat stressfull, They're not getting mad sampai berteriak or apa2lah , kecuali the tidakngam'an pendapat dan arahan in between 'them'
3 ) They still smile and laugh even tired. Masih boleh bergurau senda , walaupun mulut sometimes terlepas keluhan berat.
ALL yang ADMIT ,nampak COOL ja walaupun terpaksa duduk di kerusi sometimes almost 2hour.
I wonder and wonder.. Then Realized that ALLAH is give a Hand to Ringankan BEBAN.
After all, its all about an Merasai Experience in life yang MUNGKIN JUST ONCE IN A LIFETIME..
All I can do is just turn to ALLAH , when everything seems out of control. Keep in mind that ALLah helping me to be a better person in the future.
MAy ALLAh Bless Us All..
Jumaat, 23 November 2012
Hari ini
Berdiri di
hadapan cermin
hadapan cermin
memandang pada wajah yang nampak penat
I just keep silent
Touch my cheek,
Looking at my tired eyes.
pandangan ditusuk tajam ke mata sendiri
My teary eyes
Hey ,
kemudian dilepas keluhan perlahan
My hand touch my hair.
Tengok kiri , tengok kanan.
Im looking my old self.
senyum perlahan diukir,
Kemudian keluhan dilepas lagi.
Its been two years long ,
I do everything i can
Practise to smile everyday
try to keep up my work to take care of my face
Where's my sweet eyes looking ?
Where's my addictive smile ?
where my bright face ?
I just don't know...
Im still in my early twenties.
I should be the blooming flower
shouldn't I
shouldn't I
In the end
I get tired
Then said ,
Just let you yourself follow the flow of your life
Tanya pada diri untuk kesekian kalinya
should I ?
owned by ,
Isnin, 19 November 2012
Sad but sweet story. ^,^
B.L.U.E : Bravery, Loveable, Untouchable, Emotions.
Part 2 : Loveable.
"Congratulations. It's a cute Baby Boy!" said the nurse cheerfully. "a boy?" said the mother. "never mind. as long it's a cute little baby.." said the father. The newly born child given a name Lazarus by his father, but the mother always called him "Lazie..". A young boy with a pretty face. His mother treated him like a littl
Part 2 : Loveable.
"Congratulations. It's a cute Baby Boy!" said the nurse cheerfully. "a boy?" said the mother. "never mind. as long it's a cute little baby.." said the father. The newly born child given a name Lazarus by his father, but the mother always called him "Lazie..". A young boy with a pretty face. His mother treated him like a littl
e girl and dress up like a girl. As a child he couldn't say anything. Just following the orders around. Dearly father also couldn't help him. Poor Lazarus. Dearly mother actually wanting a baby girl while having Lazarus inside, but turns out as a baby boy.
But, one day.. Lazarus made up his mind to cut his silky black hair that mother usually loved to brush. He cut it.. cut it.. until it's short. His mother is really upset. Father just only could say to the Mother " dear, time goes by.." Soon after, her mother gets pregnant and after while for 9 months 10 days.. a baby girl was born but, this time the baby is the exact look as the father. Dearly mother is upset but still taking care of the baby girl named as Lizzie. Lizzie grown up to be a really boyish little girl. She hates pink, dolls and even a cute petite little dress. she'll be mad if mother tries to dress up her. Running away toward her father and saying. " Papa, why mama treat me like a girl? I'm a boy. A boy, papa! " claimed Lizzie. "Yes.. you're a pretty little boy of the family" father smiles lightly. Lazarus just watching them from his bedroom door. "so, Lizzie.. is my replacement? good." said Lazarus.
Slowly at the middle of the cold night. Lazarus packed up all his belonging and sneak out from house and also leaving a simple note..
" I'm going away for a while. Good-bye. "
Lazarus went away,
Leaving his family,
No promises to return again,
but, surely he'll make a comeback again.
So, Lazarus started his own life. Living at the orphanage house.
Lazarus restarting his life. Using a surname as Lauren. Time goes by and his already grown up to be a good-looking man.
to be continue.
But, one day.. Lazarus made up his mind to cut his silky black hair that mother usually loved to brush. He cut it.. cut it.. until it's short. His mother is really upset. Father just only could say to the Mother " dear, time goes by.." Soon after, her mother gets pregnant and after while for 9 months 10 days.. a baby girl was born but, this time the baby is the exact look as the father. Dearly mother is upset but still taking care of the baby girl named as Lizzie. Lizzie grown up to be a really boyish little girl. She hates pink, dolls and even a cute petite little dress. she'll be mad if mother tries to dress up her. Running away toward her father and saying. " Papa, why mama treat me like a girl? I'm a boy. A boy, papa! " claimed Lizzie. "Yes.. you're a pretty little boy of the family" father smiles lightly. Lazarus just watching them from his bedroom door. "so, Lizzie.. is my replacement? good." said Lazarus.
Slowly at the middle of the cold night. Lazarus packed up all his belonging and sneak out from house and also leaving a simple note..
" I'm going away for a while. Good-bye. "
Lazarus went away,
Leaving his family,
No promises to return again,
but, surely he'll make a comeback again.
So, Lazarus started his own life. Living at the orphanage house.
Lazarus restarting his life. Using a surname as Lauren. Time goes by and his already grown up to be a good-looking man.
to be continue.
It wasn't me who wrote this piece. It's just a simple story yet the writer just know how to make it sweet. Im just sharing out since I truly love this story. Credit given to the writer. Good job man ! keep it up !
Khamis, 8 November 2012
It is Good or Bad news ?
Yesterday, dalam keributan yang teramat sangat , our head ward ( sister ) suddenly cakap dengan saya , " A,check ur name di roster.starting next week u jadi mentor untuk staff yg transfer ke ward kita, "
Dengan kepala yang blur masa tu sebab busy tahap overload, i check my roster for next week. Nampak ada star2 tepi nama tapi xdipedulikan kerana my duty on monday tu lebih penting sebab sunday tu my off day..
Jam 2, my shift should be over tapi there's a lot yg belum siap. Thanks to dear kakak senior yang taking shift to pm for help me. Tapi memang itulah yang sepatutnya, tolerance and good teamwork..Hehe.
Masa tu baru teringat balik pasal mentoring tu. I ask again to confirm memang betul saya atau cik sister tersalah orang , since im still junior la kunu..Hoho
Free je sister cakap , " Itu kamu jangan question saya , "
and me, Ngeee ?
" Tapi sister , there's a senior than me. But why me? "
" Kamu sepatutnya berbangga saya pilih kamu jadi mentor. berapa tahun sudah kamu kerja ? "
" Setahun..... "
Sebenarnya , almost 2years experienced tapi saja mengurangkan tahun untuk menunjukkan i'm junior. Tapi, memang betul i'm junior pun kalau to compare the others.
" Up to six month , boleh jadi mentor sudah. Kenapa? kamu x confident ? "
Ahaaa, sister saja nak look down on me ke?
" Ok, thanks sister , "
Dengan perasaan serba salah, this nurse melangkah keluar ward. To be honest , im happy and feel honored sebab sister saw my potential to lead ( perasan ) , tapi dalam pada yang sama rasa serba salah kepada yang lain sebab TERdulu melangkah dari diaorang.
Hello, its just mentoring la..Benda remeh je, buat apa lah mau dibesar2kan..Haila, haila.. At that night I consult with my friend, bukan sebab mo show off ataupun bragging the thing, tapi memang rasa uneasy.
In the end, its a good things my friend said. I wish so too..
After all, its blessing given by Allah. Ye tak..
(Smiley face )
Dengan kepala yang blur masa tu sebab busy tahap overload, i check my roster for next week. Nampak ada star2 tepi nama tapi xdipedulikan kerana my duty on monday tu lebih penting sebab sunday tu my off day..
Jam 2, my shift should be over tapi there's a lot yg belum siap. Thanks to dear kakak senior yang taking shift to pm for help me. Tapi memang itulah yang sepatutnya, tolerance and good teamwork..Hehe.
Masa tu baru teringat balik pasal mentoring tu. I ask again to confirm memang betul saya atau cik sister tersalah orang , since im still junior la kunu..Hoho
Free je sister cakap , " Itu kamu jangan question saya , "
and me, Ngeee ?
" Tapi sister , there's a senior than me. But why me? "
" Kamu sepatutnya berbangga saya pilih kamu jadi mentor. berapa tahun sudah kamu kerja ? "
" Setahun..... "
Sebenarnya , almost 2years experienced tapi saja mengurangkan tahun untuk menunjukkan i'm junior. Tapi, memang betul i'm junior pun kalau to compare the others.
" Up to six month , boleh jadi mentor sudah. Kenapa? kamu x confident ? "
Ahaaa, sister saja nak look down on me ke?
" Ok, thanks sister , "
Dengan perasaan serba salah, this nurse melangkah keluar ward. To be honest , im happy and feel honored sebab sister saw my potential to lead ( perasan ) , tapi dalam pada yang sama rasa serba salah kepada yang lain sebab TERdulu melangkah dari diaorang.
Hello, its just mentoring la..Benda remeh je, buat apa lah mau dibesar2kan..Haila, haila.. At that night I consult with my friend, bukan sebab mo show off ataupun bragging the thing, tapi memang rasa uneasy.
In the end, its a good things my friend said. I wish so too..
After all, its blessing given by Allah. Ye tak..
(Smiley face )
Ahad, 4 November 2012
.....Lalat Lalu..........
Pening kepala yang keterlaluan.. Semalam, lepas balik dari kerja, tiba-tiba rasa macam lemas. Rasa macam x percaya, jam 7 pm pun, baring atas lantai sebab rasa ngantuk yang keterlaluan. Sementara menunggu my sis bersiap untuk kami keluar makan.
Sampai lah balik ke rumah around 10.30pm, masih rasa sleepy yang keterlaluan tapi tahan dan tahan sampai jm12, lpas tu baru tidur.
Terbangun jam 6 pagi sebab terasa bladder sangat penuh. Allah, beratnya kepala. Apa kejadahnya kepala sakit pagi2 begini. Then, sambung tidur lagi..sejam dua, manalah tau kut2 bila bangun, kepeningan tu hilang.
Nasib lah baik ada orang call and my hp set in loud tones. Sekali tgk jam, badan trus tegak 90darjah. Sebab............ Its 11am in the morning. Dalam Kepala masa tu
Ngaaaa, duty petang lah !
Allah, uniform tak iron lagi !
Kucing pun tak makan lagi !
Baju berlambak mo masuk mesin. Sempat ke kalau jemur?
Tarik nafas, hembus dan tarik..Kepala pun pusing2.. Takkanlah sebab semalam , tak minum kopi sepanjang hari trus jadi begini kut..HUHU
Tegur kakak kenapa x bangunkan si adik. Bulat je mata kakak ..
" Kakak berusaha ketuk pintu suruh bangun, tapi xbgun pun "
" Manada kakak kasi bangun. Kenapa xdengar bunyi ?"
My sis just geleng kepala..Tapi mmg btul, langsung xdengar apa..
And I ended up p kerja dengan keadaan pening2 lalat..Berharap agar my body keep balancing. Yalah, takut nnt tiba2 pula kut fainted at work, xke memalukan tu..
And thanks to ALLah for making ward in calm mood today..Huhu,
Sampai la ni, masih terasa macam mabuk2. Kalau minum arak, lain cerita lah..Ni, langsung xpa pun masih duk pening.Haial nyawa..Sabarlah diri tanggung benda ni..Esok2 kut oklah tu..Kembali kepada keadaan sihat.
Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012
Tentang RAsa..
Semalam ...
SUDDENLY im crying out of blue. Dengan baringan left lateral sambil airmata keluar tak henti2.Esakan ditahan agar tidak mengganggu my sis yg tengah tidur. At least, both ear disumbat earphone utk dengar lagu. Kalau terlepas esakan kecil pun, masih boleh cover.
Sebenarnya its normal for me. Menangis untuk melepaskan rasa yang terbuku dalam hati. Yang dikumpul sehingga berkepuk2 dalam hati .Yang hanya dipujuk oleh kewarasan fikiran untuk terus bertindak rasional . Yang ditahan dari exploding macam gunung berapi menumpahkan lahar , lava merah dari dalam perutnya. Something macam begitu lah. Orang juga kata , kadang untuk mengurangkan rasa itu , menangis lah..Menulislah , Meluah lah..Supaya hati rasa ringan. Bak kata oranglah..Bukan saya yang kata.
My close friend a.k.a Bestfriend @ college once said, im not capable to handle my stress. When pressure comes constantly , then i started to lessen my conversation , become silent , Mengelamun ,and tried to isolate myself..Mungkin betullah , tapi sebenarnya saya sekadar cuba meng'adjust' all those thing. Bukannya self destructive pun..
Semuanya sebenarnya benda remeh yang sebenarnya tidak perlu dirisaukan. Semuanya benda,masalah kecil yang hanya sebesar semut mungkin yang buat saya overthinking as if benda tu seperti masalah negara.
Semuanya bermula dari personaliti diri sendiri yang suka menyimpan dalam hati. Bukankah your social background kadang membuat kita bertindak seperti begitu. Betulkah ? ataukah keadaan dari kecil yang memaksa kita bertindak dan berfikir secara matang ? Keadaan yang begitukah yang membuatkan saya jadi begini sekarang? Mungkinkah , tabiat itu tercipta secara tiba2 ? Imposibble ? Posibble ?
Menulis sehingga berjela - jela mukasurat pun belum tentu dapat luahkan apa sebenarnya terbuku dihati.. Bercakap sehing dua tiga hari pun belum tentu terungkap apa sebenarnya yang hendak disebut. Im thinking about a word yg can describe everything , but still unable to find one.. Kesian. Is it really ?
since my highschool year till now, i kept trying to tell somebody about what i feel from the deepest in my heart. Apa sebenarnya yang trkubur dalam hati, but im still failed to do so. I kept talking again and again, crying again and again , seeking an attention , always trying to catch a chance to confess about something , but still....
I wonder if there's somebody from out there yang can truly understand me. Seseorang yang boleh mentafsir sesuatu yang betul disebalik ketawa ,dan senyuman..Disebalik kemarahan dan keluhan. Someone who can see me without prejudice , someone who can smile for everything about what i say and do. Someone who in the end just pat my head and give a honest smile without saying a word. By that time, if it really happen i have nothing to regret.
I keep pusing - pusing on the same circle without stopping for a minute. Sesungguhnya , betapalah rendahnya iman dan betapa 'fragile'nya me as a human being. Even all the animals is better then me. I've been born as a muslim , been raise as a muslim , still when everything happen shouldn't i just turn to ALLAH . Its a simplest way,the easiest way .
" BERTUAHlah wahai diriku , yang diberikan oleh ALLAH nyawa dan tubuh yang sempurna . AKal dan fikiran yang waras. Ingatlah bahawa ALLAH sentiasa ada untukmu ."
Pleasa HAve a strenght to keep alive . May ALLAH Bless. AMIN.....
Jumaat, 19 Oktober 2012
Matang bukan pada Usia.
Matang bukan pada usia
Bak kata orang lah
Bukan saya yang kata begitu
Kenapa pandang saya?
Kenapa tanya samada saya seorang yang matang?
Bukan saya yang melihat
Bukan saya yang mentafsir
Bukan saya yang memberi impresi diri
Kenapa perlu saya menilai diri saya sendiri?
Saya penuh ketidaksempurnaan.
Insan biasa yang baru belajar menjadi dewasa
Yang penuh dengan kesilapan
yang penuh dengan curiosity
Yang seringkali tidak menjaga tutur kata
Yang sentiasa cuba berubah
Berubah kepada yang lebih baik
Bukankah itu sesuatu yang perlu untuk menjadi matang?
Tolong jangan nilai saya begitu
Jangan risau
Saya value diri saya sendiri
Walau tanpa perlu orang lain mengangkatnya
Dengar sini
Orang kata matang itu ada pada fizikal
Betul,tapi bukankah matang itu pada pemikiran
siapa kata ,matang pada tindakan lah
Matang itu bergantung pada.....
Hei, ada budak kecil disitu
Sambil mengutip tin kosong
Yang terlihat semangat tabah untuk hidup
Dan tengok disana,
Ada wanita dengan pakaian yang 'wow' Sedang menengking.
Berkarismakah dia ?
Cukuplah bercakap tentang matang
Saya faham apa yang dimaksudkan dengan Matang bukan pada usia
Stop reciting those ayat
Sudah lah
Sebab , In the end
Maksudnya ,
saya sekadar kehilangan idea
Mencari apa yang mungkin
Selasa, 25 September 2012
Jonathan Tse Featuring Mia Palencia - La La La Love .
Masa tu tengah mengelamun dalam kereta bila this song started to play.. My first impression masa tu....
Intro - ??.. What song is this ?
Masuk 2nd verse - Bored song. The singer is trying to get attention.
Wait ! The guitar strumming macam Sumazau tune la.
La la la (singing ) - Hmmmm , Not bad .
Drum beats started - Huiyoh , This is AWESOME!
In the end, Sampai rumah terus buka laptop cari siapa the singer.
Lepas tu repeat ,repeat dan repeat....
Conclusion ----> Simple, soothing and calming song.. Macam rasa dekat je dengan Nature bila dengar ni lagu.. Jom kita mem ' FAMOUS 'kan lagu ni...
Rabu, 19 September 2012
Bosan Dengar Kes Buang Bayi.
Klik punya klik, Skrol sana skrol sini, tiba-tiba sepasang biji mata ni tertumpu ke satu tajuk punya besar " BAYI DIBUANG DARI TINGKAT 3 "
Sikit punya cool pemikiran si ibu, seperti terpegun tidak tersangka bila si ibu mngambil route mudah dan yang tercerdik dapat difikirkan dengan buang anak yang dikandungkan dari tingkat 3. Huh, sesungguhnyalah.
Kisah buang bayi bukanlah satu yang baru atau fenomena luarbiasa yang masih segar melanda negara kini tapi semakin extreme semenjak beberapa tahun kini. Dah buat banyak cara, sampaikan ancaman itu hukuman ini dikeluarkan tapi tidak sampai 24jam amaran dikeluarkan ,sudah ada kes buang bayi..
Masih boleh ingat masa tu perasaan marah meluap-luap dalam diri sampaikan menangis sebab tak puas hati dengan tindakan insan-insan tersebut.Ya, i know i haven't married yet or having a children tapi i know how the feeling..Bukan perasaan si parents " CERDIK " tapi kepada ibu2 dan bapa2 yang lain yang mempunyai anak atau suami isteri yang masih belum mendapat rezeki.
Dah biasa dengar orang bercakap bila kes ni berlaku " Orang lain nak dapat anak punyalah payah sampai ke sana sini untuk berubat tapi diaorang ni sesedap rasa je hendak buang anak ,"
Somehow, wonder if pihak yang bertanggungjawab dalam menangani hal ini sudah come up with solution or not..
Mungkin its time for us to try cari solution yang the best. Dolu-dolu ada juga terfikir beberapa solution , mungkin sebab terlalu terpengaruh dengan movie or whatsoever, tapi I seriously think yang we should have really tried to find solution. At least mungkin the prevention tidaklah mencapai seratus peratus, tapi the number decreased pun kiranya good thing la..Mangkali..
So ,
1) Mungkin tiba masanya teenagers sekarang belajar pasal prevention dari pregnant e.g kondom , pill bla bla..Macam dalam drama OBGYN Doctors. By mean,the doctor ka the nurse ka datang sekolah and ajar those benda.Macam yang the actress cakap dalam drama tu " Budak sekarang, walaupun u cakap benda tu salah mereka tetap akan buat. So , lagi berfaedah kita ajar mereka tentang prevention.As long as mereka x pregnant ,so its fine " ( Lebih kurang bgtu la pemahamanku ) -----> Tapi macam mana kita nak apply di Malaysia, sini kan negara Islam.So benda tu sangatlah improper seolah2nya kita macam menggalakan pula remaja sekarang ni melakukan hubungan seksual.
2 ) Hukuman mati mandatori kepada yang bersalah.( Muahahaha ).. Mungkin kedengaran kejam tapi takkan diaorang buang bayi sampai bersemut lah, pecah kepala la boleh pula kena penjara ja.Mungkin benda ni betul2 perlu..Kadang-kadang pengajaran extreme perlu untuk diaorg2 yg kepala batu.
3 ) Sediakan tempat rumah buang bayi. Maksudnya, kalau macam si parents terlalu benci atau tak mahu tak suka ke kepada si baby,letaklah ditempat yang kita boleh secure keselamatannya.Letak depan rumah, tekan loceng and cabut lari.. At least..........
4 ) Gugurkan kandungan ------> I hate this the most. So im not gonna say it.
Mungkin ada yang fikir saya sekadar membebel di blog ini. Terpulang pada diri sendiri mahu menilai bagaimana samada manis , masam ,pahit or pedas. Hati manusia berbeza-beza begitu juga pemikiran kita. Kalau ALLAH seragamkan kita dari semua segi, alamatnya tak seronoklah dunia ni .Wallahuallam..
Selasa, 11 September 2012
Cerita Akalili..Part 6
" People do hate me huh...What did I do sampai Era langsung taknak bercakap dengan saya.Zeen pun pandang lain macam , " pandangan di alihkan ke wajah Aizan.
Ini bukan pasal dia terlalu bodoh nak mentafsir tindakan dua ekor budak tu tapi ianya lebih habit Mai yang suka bertanya tentang perkara yang dia tahu.
" Biarkan diaorang.There's nothing wrong with you pun. Like you said dulu, You 're just being you. No hal lah ," balas Aizan dengan senyuman yang nak dikata ikhlas pun macam menyindir je.
" Luku kepala baru tau ! "
" Derhaka neraka jawabnya ! ,"Bulat mata Aizan memandang Mai. Mai sekadar ketawa- ketawa melihat reaksi Aizan yang nampak geram dengan tindakan spontannya.
" Amboi , " segera Mai bangun sambil mencekak pinggang.Aizan membentuk muka.
" I just dont know, " ungkap Mai dengan keluhan.Aizan segera bangun dan memeluk bahu Mai.
" Mai Mai..Biarkan dua ekor grasshopper tu. Anything happen,I still love You.No worries. Nanti habis sekolah ikut abang balik ye, " Aizan bergurau,cuba cheering Mai up.
Hahaha..Its so funny thats I forgot to laugh ! Bukk, sedapnya perut Aizan ditumbuk Mai.
" You do that again, be ready to be killed. Who do you think you are la. Tu ada kekasih hati sehidup semati abang kat sana , "
Mai menjulingkan mata, menendang kaki Aizan dan terus berlari meninggalkan Aizan sendirian.
I'll do if you are willing me to do what you want Mai. You nak suruh I convert, nak suruh I kahwin dengan you nanti pun I sanggup.Well,its not because im fall in love with her, its just the feeling. Selalu terasa yang there's something yang Mai nak share tapi she selalu tahan dirinya dari nak cerita. what is it Mai?
Mai termengah-mengah . Peluh yang mengalir diseka dengan hujung tangannya. Laju degupan jantungnya, begitu juga dengan otaknya yang sedang ligat berfikir,mentafsir dan menilai.
Im sorry Aizan. Its just to hard for me just to rant that easy. Im thankful you're always be there for me. Somehow, I am glad yang somebody can see me through.
Ya Allah , sesungguhnya
Serentak Akalili tersentak. Dimana ayat seterusnya , kalut dia menyelak muka surat seterusnya namun terlihat hanya helaian kertas yang kosong.
Ya Allah. Betapa dia ingin mengetahui apa sebenarnya yang dihadapi oleh Mai. Seolahnya apa yang dirasakan oleh Mai itu sama seperti apa yang dirasakan dan apa yang dilalui. Mungkin this Mai is lost her family yang she adore so much. So do I.
I dont tknow. The writer is the only one yang know. Ye lah, she the one yang create those character.
Keluhan dilepas perlahan seraya menutup buku yang tidak diketahui siapa pemiliknya. Dipandang Kalender yang terletak di tepi meja.
" Mac 31, "
So, this is the end of story ? I mean, this is boring.
I dont tknow. The writer is the only one yang know. Ye lah, she the one yang create those character.
Keluhan dilepas perlahan seraya menutup buku yang tidak diketahui siapa pemiliknya. Dipandang Kalender yang terletak di tepi meja.
" Mac 31, "
So, this is the end of story ? I mean, this is boring.
Jumaat, 31 Ogos 2012
Bestfriend 89..
To my dearest friends ,
Jenny and Lys
Somehow, its such a memories..
Tadi, buka Fb page..Roll.roll,roll..Stadaaaa...Bestfriend 89..Hmmm,Lama xbuka that page..How are you ? my old old friend.
Let me introduced you..This lively gang had me, Jenny, and lys..We know each other since we 13 years old..That means its been 10 years OREDY ??!!!!
Then , lets start the story begins..Somehow , I never talked about this things to other my friend ( Have i freddy ? )
Its my first day as a highschooler. On that time im 13 years old..The school yg I attended is the biggest school on that district since the students that studying in thereis about almost two thousand in numbers..Ma..ma..
Then, I've assigned to B class..my cousin aka my the very best friend time sekolah rendah admitted to A class.. So, with that case i should find another friend !!
Post individual introduction, I came to this girl..Her have a unique name.. Lystyana.and that sound kinda beautifull ? at first i approached her, she look kind of scared of me..Haha, agaknya i approach macam samseng kut..Muahaha..I ask if she had sister attending this school..I guess she relieved bila know my real intention..
I dont really know how we get close and befriend..But, she's really good friend .
The second one is Jennyvia. She have a twins named Jessica. Well,there's an incident yg membawa this nurse to them..At first,I closed with the older. sitting next to her but she more likely friendly to Calla, the one yang duduk depan her.And her younger sister lagi suka to converse with me..Maka,berlakulah apa yang patut berlaku..
The fourth is Illa..I dont really remember how we befriend.,.As i remember, Jennyvia is the first one yg close to her..Well,since jenny is our friend then we consider Illa as our bestfriend too.Is she a new transferred student ? Is she changing course to our class ? I do not remember..Seriously..
Me is pembuli,Lys too..Tapi, she ways to lighthearted to Jenn and Illa. Jenny is lemah lembut type.Illa is gadis manja.
On that time, This nurse somehow mengeluh when comes to study.. Im not saying that im budak pandai but, when Jenny , Lys and Illa cant keep up the subject , I just dont like it..why? Mungkin sebab this nurse tidak seronok..Like there's no enjoy feeling when there's is a gap between us..Mungkin sebab my friends waktu sekolah rendah budak pandai from tahun satu till tahun enam..Macam....You got no friend to challenging each other..However, I just love to be with them..
Once I ask them about, "kalau korang naik plane and have a crush.which option you gonna choose,died when the plane meletup di udara or you died when the plane jatuh atas pokok or whatever?
Lys then ask me and i said " I'd rather died masa the plane meletup because i'd no chance to feeling pain "
Which mean, im not ready to any kesakitan..Hahaha..Betullah kepala budak2...What greats about it, Lys ask me the exact Q's after long time passed.And me,dont even remember..On that time, i feel so ashamed.
When we form three, I transferred to labuan for a year and going back to the old school the year after.
We assigned to different course and classes for sure. Im in Sains perakaunan class, Lystyana in Kemanusiaan & sains sukan, Illa in ikhtisas and Jenny in sastera.
When the year started ,im the busiest one sebab there's a lot of subject yg new to me and pretty hard . well ,I hate the perakaunan the most. When i said mau pindah to Sains pertanian like my third sister,for sure...the eldest and the second opposed..The eldest give me choice if im willing to change classes , I can only go for science stream or sains kejuruteraan..Ngaaaaaaa...And my second saids, I should belajar untuk suka the subject..In the end,this nurse xjadi pindah..
Back to the story.. Since im busy to study ( Perasan ) , Lys and Jenny will come to my class setiap kali rehat untuk berbual. Then we, sometimes go to Illa classroom...As i assumed, Illa somehow kind of forgetting us? She always no there for us and lagi suka hanging out with her new friends. Rasa kecil hati tu ada, tapi tak apa lah..Mungkin itu biasa sebab kitaorang lain kelas,so the schedule pun berbeza..Jenny told me yang the time I was at Labuan, Illa selalu merajuk sebab get not enough attention from Jenny and Lys so that she tried to find another friends and ignore them sometimes in awhile.. My sabar is still there until the festival things..The three of us tried to berkumpul but Illa dont do the Rq from me..
Really, she pissed me off..Then i said for the last time if she not come to see us then our friendship is finished..Then thats really happen..On the next day, I heard of story from Jenny yang she crying..Me? just buat bodoh, Why should I..Heartbroken !! Since that day, I never talked about that to them..Jenny kadang2 sebut nama her but,that not my business..If you ask why'd I do that..I said this ILLA " I just hate when you do to Jenny and Lys.. Kalau you willing to do those things to me, its fine..I know me..But not them..Thats all.Im not going to says sorry for you. Kirim salam! "
Why did I do that ? For sure, I cant stand how'd she treat Lys and Jenny.. I know Im not as good as how they care but at least I tried my best to luangkan masa bersama2.. At least dapat 15min pun dah kira ok..
Its getting worsen when we cont our study in form six..Especially when I get involved with this DEWAN REFLEKSI PELAJAR things. Once , I ask them both how busy i am..They said yang I busy tahap overload sampaikan bila diaorang cari me during classes pun im not there.. Im not saying yang our freind relationship ada masalah tapi the time is just menghalang us to do our private activities..
And the bad is when i got offer to study nursing there at Tawau. I havent say goodbye for them,still they still support me. I guess this just how our friends thing flows..I know we care each other sebab Jenny and Lys always contacting me untuk tanya khabar and always asking my opinion when needed..
Deep inside in my heart, rasa bersalah come first for both of them sebab I always do things yg berbeza dengan diaorang yet they still understand me..
We dont even have one single photo to prove yg we're friends but i guess this is just tighten our friend bond..
Somehow , I express my love for you ( Jenny and Lys ) here for always be there for walaupun waktu menghalang us to be together..
Haha..Sorry, im not good in english yet still writing and ranting with my grammer yang berterabur..The meaning is more important than others..
Sincerely ,
Jenny and Lys
Somehow, its such a memories..
Tadi, buka Fb page..Roll.roll,roll..Stadaaaa...Bestfriend 89..Hmmm,Lama xbuka that page..How are you ? my old old friend.
Let me introduced you..This lively gang had me, Jenny, and lys..We know each other since we 13 years old..That means its been 10 years OREDY ??!!!!
Then , lets start the story begins..Somehow , I never talked about this things to other my friend ( Have i freddy ? )
Its my first day as a highschooler. On that time im 13 years old..The school yg I attended is the biggest school on that district since the students that studying in thereis about almost two thousand in numbers..Ma..ma..
Then, I've assigned to B class..my cousin aka my the very best friend time sekolah rendah admitted to A class.. So, with that case i should find another friend !!
Post individual introduction, I came to this girl..Her have a unique name.. Lystyana.and that sound kinda beautifull ? at first i approached her, she look kind of scared of me..Haha, agaknya i approach macam samseng kut..Muahaha..I ask if she had sister attending this school..I guess she relieved bila know my real intention..
I dont really know how we get close and befriend..But, she's really good friend .
The second one is Jennyvia. She have a twins named Jessica. Well,there's an incident yg membawa this nurse to them..At first,I closed with the older. sitting next to her but she more likely friendly to Calla, the one yang duduk depan her.And her younger sister lagi suka to converse with me..Maka,berlakulah apa yang patut berlaku..
The fourth is Illa..I dont really remember how we befriend.,.As i remember, Jennyvia is the first one yg close to her..Well,since jenny is our friend then we consider Illa as our bestfriend too.Is she a new transferred student ? Is she changing course to our class ? I do not remember..Seriously..
Me is pembuli,Lys too..Tapi, she ways to lighthearted to Jenn and Illa. Jenny is lemah lembut type.Illa is gadis manja.
On that time, This nurse somehow mengeluh when comes to study.. Im not saying that im budak pandai but, when Jenny , Lys and Illa cant keep up the subject , I just dont like it..why? Mungkin sebab this nurse tidak seronok..Like there's no enjoy feeling when there's is a gap between us..Mungkin sebab my friends waktu sekolah rendah budak pandai from tahun satu till tahun enam..Macam....You got no friend to challenging each other..However, I just love to be with them..
Once I ask them about, "kalau korang naik plane and have a crush.which option you gonna choose,died when the plane meletup di udara or you died when the plane jatuh atas pokok or whatever?
Lys then ask me and i said " I'd rather died masa the plane meletup because i'd no chance to feeling pain "
Which mean, im not ready to any kesakitan..Hahaha..Betullah kepala budak2...What greats about it, Lys ask me the exact Q's after long time passed.And me,dont even remember..On that time, i feel so ashamed.
When we form three, I transferred to labuan for a year and going back to the old school the year after.
We assigned to different course and classes for sure. Im in Sains perakaunan class, Lystyana in Kemanusiaan & sains sukan, Illa in ikhtisas and Jenny in sastera.
When the year started ,im the busiest one sebab there's a lot of subject yg new to me and pretty hard . well ,I hate the perakaunan the most. When i said mau pindah to Sains pertanian like my third sister,for sure...the eldest and the second opposed..The eldest give me choice if im willing to change classes , I can only go for science stream or sains kejuruteraan..Ngaaaaaaa...And my second saids, I should belajar untuk suka the subject..In the end,this nurse xjadi pindah..
Back to the story.. Since im busy to study ( Perasan ) , Lys and Jenny will come to my class setiap kali rehat untuk berbual. Then we, sometimes go to Illa classroom...As i assumed, Illa somehow kind of forgetting us? She always no there for us and lagi suka hanging out with her new friends. Rasa kecil hati tu ada, tapi tak apa lah..Mungkin itu biasa sebab kitaorang lain kelas,so the schedule pun berbeza..Jenny told me yang the time I was at Labuan, Illa selalu merajuk sebab get not enough attention from Jenny and Lys so that she tried to find another friends and ignore them sometimes in awhile.. My sabar is still there until the festival things..The three of us tried to berkumpul but Illa dont do the Rq from me..
Really, she pissed me off..Then i said for the last time if she not come to see us then our friendship is finished..Then thats really happen..On the next day, I heard of story from Jenny yang she crying..Me? just buat bodoh, Why should I..Heartbroken !! Since that day, I never talked about that to them..Jenny kadang2 sebut nama her but,that not my business..If you ask why'd I do that..I said this ILLA " I just hate when you do to Jenny and Lys.. Kalau you willing to do those things to me, its fine..I know me..But not them..Thats all.Im not going to says sorry for you. Kirim salam! "
Why did I do that ? For sure, I cant stand how'd she treat Lys and Jenny.. I know Im not as good as how they care but at least I tried my best to luangkan masa bersama2.. At least dapat 15min pun dah kira ok..
Its getting worsen when we cont our study in form six..Especially when I get involved with this DEWAN REFLEKSI PELAJAR things. Once , I ask them both how busy i am..They said yang I busy tahap overload sampaikan bila diaorang cari me during classes pun im not there.. Im not saying yang our freind relationship ada masalah tapi the time is just menghalang us to do our private activities..
And the bad is when i got offer to study nursing there at Tawau. I havent say goodbye for them,still they still support me. I guess this just how our friends thing flows..I know we care each other sebab Jenny and Lys always contacting me untuk tanya khabar and always asking my opinion when needed..
Deep inside in my heart, rasa bersalah come first for both of them sebab I always do things yg berbeza dengan diaorang yet they still understand me..
We dont even have one single photo to prove yg we're friends but i guess this is just tighten our friend bond..
Somehow , I express my love for you ( Jenny and Lys ) here for always be there for walaupun waktu menghalang us to be together..
Haha..Sorry, im not good in english yet still writing and ranting with my grammer yang berterabur..The meaning is more important than others..
Sincerely ,
Sabtu, 25 Ogos 2012
Malas...Bukan, Penat pun bukan....Semalan this nurse having a talk with her sister..Sebab apa ? Bukan masalah besar mana pun, tapi nak bagitau hasrat pindah tempat kerja.. Payah sangat ke nak lepaskan adik U ni ketempat lain.
Cut :
This nurse : Kak.........
Sis : Mmmm...Apa ?
This nurse : Im thinking of pindah tempat kerja..
Sis : Where ?
This nurse : Beluran..
And her instant reaction...
Sis : Sandakan kan.. Jauh tu..Payah nanti balik ke rumah..Lagipun, orang mahu tempat dekat..yang kau pilih ke sana buat apa ?
This nurse speechless...
Sis : What is your reason ?
This nurse : Saja- saja..My friend pun ada sana juga..(Tau,kalau i said nak pindah ke kg halaman..Mesti my sis terus setuje seratus peratus times 2 lagi )
Well ,kalau tanya pun memang tiada alasan kuat untuk pindah di pedalaman pun..Its true yang tempat kerja this nurse sekarang ni pun this nurse rasa masih enjoy..Bz,memang bz tapi perasaan seronok kerja tu ada..Here, I lived with my sisters..My family pun tinggal di kampung yg if I go back driving pun just two hours to arrived.
Kalau orang lain read this entry pun mungkin akan cakap me as a crazy person..Semua benda yg orang lain dream of , This nurse dapat yet willing to pindah di tempat yang kurang kemudahan..
Bodoh ke?
No la....
Masa study dulu pun memang dah bercita- cita nak kerja di pedalaman sebab ...........
1) Boleh dapat elaun lebih (haha...Materialistik )
2) Klien a.k.a pun kurang (Pemalas )
3) So, besar kemungkinan boleh goyang kaki ( Best ! )
4) Im pretty bad untuk dealing dgn orang,so its just suit me. ( Im Introvert )
Tapi sebenarnya deep inside is, Im just looking for PENGALAMAN ..Sementara masih ada masa..Sementara masih muda dan ada peluang.. This remind me pasal my conversation with my love ( Uwekk !! )
Cut :
This nurse : IF...someday kita jadi kawin and i got to cont my study..Are willing to let me ?
Dia jawab relaks je..
Him : NO !
This nurse : Kenapa pula..Bukannya saya saja2 untuk enjoy..
Him : Ya, nanti sudah kahwin and U r not here..So, Siapa nak layan me..
Erkkk..Betul juga..Im a wife dan memang itulah tugas this nurse yang sepatutnya.
This nurse : Kalau macam tu nanti lah kita kahwin..Lepas habis study..( Cerdik je jawapan )
Him : Aik ?
This nurse : Paling lambat pun mungkin 30..( Itupun, InsyaAllah kalau rezeki murah )
Him : Jangan lupa, kita ni satu umur..
Tang2 tu juga rasa masa ada batu hempap atas kepala..Haha..Kenapa ?
Sebab boleh2 terlupa umur dia..Betul juga apa yang dia cakap..
And I ranting in here,sambil2 fikir..why is it so hard nak bagi this nurse peluang..Bolehlah..
hidup hanya sekali,peluang pun bukan selalu ada..
Haha, Mungkin if someday this nurse dapat join Aid mercy ke negara lain untk beri bantuan kemanusiaan agaknya terus pengsan..Haha..Im pretty serious about this..Like I said, Peluang bukan selalu ada...One of my friend said " Pintu yang U nak masuk tu tertutup,tapi ada pintu yang lain terbuka untuk U ".. Nostalgic, masa tu my sister backstabbing me, dengan bagitau my dad to cont my study dengan form 6 instead of enter the politeknik sarawak.
As far as I know, This nurse boleh take care of herself better..Maybe she got some of not nesscesary attitude , but all of you know me better..Hope someday Allah will open their heart to RESTU my pilihan..
May Allah Bless..Amin..
Cut :
This nurse : Kak.........
Sis : Mmmm...Apa ?
This nurse : Im thinking of pindah tempat kerja..
Sis : Where ?
This nurse : Beluran..
And her instant reaction...
Sis : Sandakan kan.. Jauh tu..Payah nanti balik ke rumah..Lagipun, orang mahu tempat dekat..yang kau pilih ke sana buat apa ?
This nurse speechless...
Sis : What is your reason ?
This nurse : Saja- saja..My friend pun ada sana juga..(Tau,kalau i said nak pindah ke kg halaman..Mesti my sis terus setuje seratus peratus times 2 lagi )
Well ,kalau tanya pun memang tiada alasan kuat untuk pindah di pedalaman pun..Its true yang tempat kerja this nurse sekarang ni pun this nurse rasa masih enjoy..Bz,memang bz tapi perasaan seronok kerja tu ada..Here, I lived with my sisters..My family pun tinggal di kampung yg if I go back driving pun just two hours to arrived.
Kalau orang lain read this entry pun mungkin akan cakap me as a crazy person..Semua benda yg orang lain dream of , This nurse dapat yet willing to pindah di tempat yang kurang kemudahan..
Bodoh ke?
No la....
Masa study dulu pun memang dah bercita- cita nak kerja di pedalaman sebab ...........
1) Boleh dapat elaun lebih (haha...Materialistik )
2) Klien a.k.a pun kurang (Pemalas )
3) So, besar kemungkinan boleh goyang kaki ( Best ! )
4) Im pretty bad untuk dealing dgn orang,so its just suit me. ( Im Introvert )
Tapi sebenarnya deep inside is, Im just looking for PENGALAMAN ..Sementara masih ada masa..Sementara masih muda dan ada peluang.. This remind me pasal my conversation with my love ( Uwekk !! )
Cut :
This nurse : IF...someday kita jadi kawin and i got to cont my study..Are willing to let me ?
Dia jawab relaks je..
Him : NO !
This nurse : Kenapa pula..Bukannya saya saja2 untuk enjoy..
Him : Ya, nanti sudah kahwin and U r not here..So, Siapa nak layan me..
Erkkk..Betul juga..Im a wife dan memang itulah tugas this nurse yang sepatutnya.
This nurse : Kalau macam tu nanti lah kita kahwin..Lepas habis study..( Cerdik je jawapan )
Him : Aik ?
This nurse : Paling lambat pun mungkin 30..( Itupun, InsyaAllah kalau rezeki murah )
Him : Jangan lupa, kita ni satu umur..
Tang2 tu juga rasa masa ada batu hempap atas kepala..Haha..Kenapa ?
Sebab boleh2 terlupa umur dia..Betul juga apa yang dia cakap..
And I ranting in here,sambil2 fikir..why is it so hard nak bagi this nurse peluang..Bolehlah..
hidup hanya sekali,peluang pun bukan selalu ada..
Haha, Mungkin if someday this nurse dapat join Aid mercy ke negara lain untk beri bantuan kemanusiaan agaknya terus pengsan..Haha..Im pretty serious about this..Like I said, Peluang bukan selalu ada...One of my friend said " Pintu yang U nak masuk tu tertutup,tapi ada pintu yang lain terbuka untuk U ".. Nostalgic, masa tu my sister backstabbing me, dengan bagitau my dad to cont my study dengan form 6 instead of enter the politeknik sarawak.
As far as I know, This nurse boleh take care of herself better..Maybe she got some of not nesscesary attitude , but all of you know me better..Hope someday Allah will open their heart to RESTU my pilihan..
May Allah Bless..Amin..
Jumaat, 24 Ogos 2012
Nurse..Deep Inside Part 3
Salam ....
Its been awhile..bukan pasal visiting my blog tapi baca balik all stuff yang ditulis and tertiba pula terasa nak sambung balik the story pasal ni nurse..Masuk part three oredy..
This time , im gonna talk about this nurse very good friends while study in there..Well, this nurse ada tujuh sahabat rapat untuk bergembira, bersedih, buat krja jahat,bodoh dan yang sewaktu dengannya..
Lets start with the eldest one in our friend's group..She's seorang yg......... matang ? not really....kebudak-budakan? tak juga...She is,
FREDDY..This nurse is the only one yg call her with that name..She someone yang i just dunno how to describe her personality.. She come from a very complicated family background.. (Dont worry la freddy,its not yg im going to jual ur story. She's the only daugther in her family..Katanya,dia xpernah ada rasa ada adik perempuan,so she feels so enjoy bila together with us.Dan yg termalang selalu dibuli is me and Natalia (the youngest )..Not really bully,maybe its just how she shows her kasih sayang ..Ya, i know Freddy..I love U tooooooooo much..I treat u as my other sister jg..
The 2nd is Vella.. Im comfortable with her..She's the 2nd older in our age rank.She......Kecil je...I guest her height hanya sampai bahu this nurse.HAha..Everytime keluar ke mana2 she akan pakai her 4 ke 5 inch heels..suka shopping, dont mind the price tinggi ke rendah ke,as long as she love it,she'll buy.. Yang best pasal her is,kalau nak cari apa2 barang ke, just bagitau her how much your budget, she will help U smpi dapat..what I love about her is she never looked down to other people yang kurang berkemampuan like me..Well,Vellaa..Muah muah for U..
And, Ai Chan..How do u do..My ex roomates..never thought yg akan tinggal satu bilik dengan her masa study dulu..How to describe her aa? she,lebih kurang dengan yang diatas.One thing is, this nurse xpernah nmpak dia marah..Provoke la mcam mana pun, she'll never teriak or pukul U..This girl jenis berani..Bila dia cakap,dia buat..Dia akan buat , in any circumstance..Flying kiss for U.
Then , Yayan..Same age as me..Mysterious girl..Yeah..Nobody knows her private things like her BF,or who's her scandal..Lebih kurang la..She is good..Sweet girl, kind..All good thing ada dengan dia..Apa yang best tentang her is, She knew any famous song..We, her friends slalu terkejut..haha..a simple things.
Come next is Syaz..Yayan's roomate..She alim..hmmmm...Solat tak pernah tinggal,aurat dijaga ,smua yg sunat2 dia buat utk tambah pahala bikin beli tiket masuk syurga..Of course she kind, nakal (in good ways ),I respect her.The way she behave,the way she talk..Just assume,she is a good wife candidates..Muahuhu..I help U tambah credit..
After is Bella..She....Hmmm..She....I dunno if she ada holding any grudges with me sebab, she always tried too look good than me..especially kalau pasal dressing2 ni..Dont get mad aa...Mungkin kut slalu decline her suggestion and do what this nurse selesa..I confess here,U re far better than me Bella..I spoke from my deep..Snack pagi petang siang malam sentiasa ada untuk kami..Yeah,i know..How i hate Ur punya some Bad habit,Still like U..
Second last is Natalia the youngest..Kalau gaya budak2 just serah pada her..Memang this nurse tabik..Kedekut ranked 2nd after Freddy..Natalia,U got gorgeous body, U r pure..U r just the way U are..Kenapa this nurse sayang U ..Because U r my friend la..This person, is the one yg paling last this nurse feels comfortable with..4th Semester..Mungkin sebab jarang kasi luang masa with U, tulah sebab jadi begitu ye...
And the last but not least ,This nurse a.k.a IE..I dont really know myself..Freddy said im weird, vella said, im jenis ringkas dalam berpakaian..Ringkas macam mana pun I dunno (in my word -selekeh)..Saz said Me as lemah lembut bila bercakap (????)..Yayan cakap, im funny..Bella's opinion i dunno..Natalia also..What i know, is Me is just being myself.. Tak kiash dengan pandangan orang.. Mungkin sebab inilah kot payah sangat nak jumpa lelaki ajak bercinta....Dont have an idea..
I guess that all for now..Lets CONT at the other time...
Its been awhile..bukan pasal visiting my blog tapi baca balik all stuff yang ditulis and tertiba pula terasa nak sambung balik the story pasal ni nurse..Masuk part three oredy..
This time , im gonna talk about this nurse very good friends while study in there..Well, this nurse ada tujuh sahabat rapat untuk bergembira, bersedih, buat krja jahat,bodoh dan yang sewaktu dengannya..
Lets start with the eldest one in our friend's group..She's seorang yg......... matang ? not really....kebudak-budakan? tak juga...She is,
FREDDY..This nurse is the only one yg call her with that name..She someone yang i just dunno how to describe her personality.. She come from a very complicated family background.. (Dont worry la freddy,its not yg im going to jual ur story. She's the only daugther in her family..Katanya,dia xpernah ada rasa ada adik perempuan,so she feels so enjoy bila together with us.Dan yg termalang selalu dibuli is me and Natalia (the youngest )..Not really bully,maybe its just how she shows her kasih sayang ..Ya, i know Freddy..I love U tooooooooo much..I treat u as my other sister jg..
The 2nd is Vella.. Im comfortable with her..She's the 2nd older in our age rank.She......Kecil je...I guest her height hanya sampai bahu this nurse.HAha..Everytime keluar ke mana2 she akan pakai her 4 ke 5 inch heels..suka shopping, dont mind the price tinggi ke rendah ke,as long as she love it,she'll buy.. Yang best pasal her is,kalau nak cari apa2 barang ke, just bagitau her how much your budget, she will help U smpi dapat..what I love about her is she never looked down to other people yang kurang berkemampuan like me..Well,Vellaa..Muah muah for U..
And, Ai Chan..How do u do..My ex roomates..never thought yg akan tinggal satu bilik dengan her masa study dulu..How to describe her aa? she,lebih kurang dengan yang diatas.One thing is, this nurse xpernah nmpak dia marah..Provoke la mcam mana pun, she'll never teriak or pukul U..This girl jenis berani..Bila dia cakap,dia buat..Dia akan buat , in any circumstance..Flying kiss for U.
Then , Yayan..Same age as me..Mysterious girl..Yeah..Nobody knows her private things like her BF,or who's her scandal..Lebih kurang la..She is good..Sweet girl, kind..All good thing ada dengan dia..Apa yang best tentang her is, She knew any famous song..We, her friends slalu terkejut..haha..a simple things.
Come next is Syaz..Yayan's roomate..She alim..hmmmm...Solat tak pernah tinggal,aurat dijaga ,smua yg sunat2 dia buat utk tambah pahala bikin beli tiket masuk syurga..Of course she kind, nakal (in good ways ),I respect her.The way she behave,the way she talk..Just assume,she is a good wife candidates..Muahuhu..I help U tambah credit..
After is Bella..She....Hmmm..She....I dunno if she ada holding any grudges with me sebab, she always tried too look good than me..especially kalau pasal dressing2 ni..Dont get mad aa...Mungkin kut slalu decline her suggestion and do what this nurse selesa..I confess here,U re far better than me Bella..I spoke from my deep..Snack pagi petang siang malam sentiasa ada untuk kami..Yeah,i know..How i hate Ur punya some Bad habit,Still like U..
Second last is Natalia the youngest..Kalau gaya budak2 just serah pada her..Memang this nurse tabik..Kedekut ranked 2nd after Freddy..Natalia,U got gorgeous body, U r pure..U r just the way U are..Kenapa this nurse sayang U ..Because U r my friend la..This person, is the one yg paling last this nurse feels comfortable with..4th Semester..Mungkin sebab jarang kasi luang masa with U, tulah sebab jadi begitu ye...
And the last but not least ,This nurse a.k.a IE..I dont really know myself..Freddy said im weird, vella said, im jenis ringkas dalam berpakaian..Ringkas macam mana pun I dunno (in my word -selekeh)..Saz said Me as lemah lembut bila bercakap (????)..Yayan cakap, im funny..Bella's opinion i dunno..Natalia also..What i know, is Me is just being myself.. Tak kiash dengan pandangan orang.. Mungkin sebab inilah kot payah sangat nak jumpa lelaki ajak bercinta....Dont have an idea..
I guess that all for now..Lets CONT at the other time...
Rabu, 22 Ogos 2012
Its all about my health..
I just tired recently.. Tidur pun rasa penat, buat kerja ringan pun rasa penat.. Bila tengok muka di cremin pun nampak lesu, mata pun bengkak..When i said that to my sister, she said yang I just slept a lot..Somehow, its hard to makes people understand your condition..
Started last month, i got tired, losing my weight 2kg just around two weeks, without doing any exercises or taking any pills..sometimes i lost my focus, feeling dizzy and blurry. With my hand yang started tremors, I know yg my problems coming back..Its just have been six month i stopped taking medicine..Haiyoo,
Then I took my rountine blood examination.. See, betullah.. My TSH dropping and my FT4 increased again..AGAIN ?? !!! Its so troublesome tau..
Then, i goes to Klinik kesihatan and the DR's prescribed me the medicine again..Arghhh... At least i dont have to take those propranolol so far..Syukur..But the things is, sebelum ni I just have to telan the ubat, 4biji..This time I;ve to telan those ubat sebanyak 8biji once a day ..
And me, such a good nurse langsung xmakan the ubat..its not yang I dont want to..tapi its hard to compliance walaupun i just have to take those ubat sekali sehari.huhu,my alasan because of the RAMADHAN..such a silly excuse isnt it..
With my great act, i skipped my reviews this month..Muahaha..Sebab malas mau dengar the DR bla bla tu me.. Tunggu lah sampai I compliance the ubat baru go to klinik kesihatan..until there's a changes to my blood test result..Bukan sebab yang im tryng to memandai2,tapi itulah kebenarannya...
I dunno what to membebel lagi here, so i just stop here..its time to sleep.. Take care of your health and it will benefit to ur entire life..Mangkali la kali aaa...
May ALLAH Bless us all....
Rabu, 13 Jun 2012
What to do, what to say ?
Post second night..taking my night duty rest a.k.a RM la tu ye... Entry this time bukan nak cerita pasal awan arcus yang terjadi yesterday tapi nak cerita pasal what i'd heard last night..
First of all, its only story..Tak mahu hard feelings from mana2 pihak.Ianya sekadar cerita untuk santapan mata untuk peringatan dan pengajaran pada mana2 perlu dijadikan pedoman.Ianya boleh jadi salah pada mana2 pihak pun..setiap orang mempunyai pandangan berbeza.
So , here............
Its 9o'clock lebih sikit and i start my observation for 10pm.. while doing my job, i heard this two mama chit chat about a nurse behaviour in loud tones.. Dunno la if they sengaja wants me to hear the content of cerita2 kosong dorang tapi what to do, i heard juga..alang2 terdengar boleh hilang2kan boring dengan diaorang punya gossip.. sure hot la utk kita klu our job dijadikan cerita.. its just tooooo way interesting to my halwa telinga..haha
The topic is pasal the nurse marah the mama for not encourage her son to drink and she yell back the nurse and said that her son's in pain so that he not able to drink water.
Cut :
Mama1 : Kita kena marah diaorang ( nurse ) juga sebab kalau kita xbuat macam tu nanti diaorang akan makin menjadi2 disini ( wad ).
Mama2 : Betul juga.
Mama1 : Kalau kita marah diaorang, sekurang2nya diaorang tau juga.Suka2 hati ja marah orang.Bukan diaorang yang rasa sakit .Kita tinggal disini pun bukan diaorang yang bayar bill hospital.
Mama2 : ( Just angguk2 kepala )
And me as the one of the pemegang title said ( dalam hati je..mana boleh cakap kuat2 ) " Amboi, sesedap rasa je nak marah2 nurse. Who do you think U are la .Tak ke sikit punya nonsense klu u nak marah nurse to do their nursing management. U know nothing yets U get angry to us.. Lepas tu cakap pula kitaorang nnt buat perangai menjadi2 di wad.. siapa di rumah siapa? I thought yang this ward is my second home. Is it us yg buat this hospital as tempat persinggahan sementara or is it U ? Then boleh lagi cakap macam tu..Bayar bill hospital.Memang la bukan kami yang bayar bill tapi we has a very big responsibility to help u healthy tau. To compared pun payah. The money yg U bayar tu ingat dapat cover ke kos rawatan utk anak U . There are certain medication yg anak U makan tu harga ribu2 ringgit. tapi when u keluar dari hospital u just have to pay at least mungkin a few hundreds ja."
Dah membebel dalam hati baru fikir balik pakai otak . " Alaaa, the mama should used the word of TEGUR THE NURSES so that they can considerate to her sons condition. Not MARAH THE NURSE. Lepas tu kena ubah ayat NANTI DIAORANG MAKIN MENJADI2 tukar kepada BOLEH BEHAVE THEMSELVES BETTER ka or whatsoever la and the most important is kami tau bukan kami yang bayar bill tapi kan kalau KITA SAMA2 BERTOLAK ANSUR KAN LEBIH BAIK. PUAN MANUSIA BIASA, SAYA PUN MANUSIA BIASA YG SIIIIIIKIT SPECIAL SEBAB KAMI ADA PENGETAHUAN UNTUK BANTU ANAK PUAN JADI SIHAT ( Atas izin Allah ) .
Jadinya :
1) Semua orang merasakan yang diri dia betul contohnya the nurse marah the mama xbagi anak dia minum sebab bila anaknya xminum air nnt dehydrated, lpas tu satu hal lagi cari urat nak cucuk sana sini untuk smbung air xpun sambung RT untuk bantu makan.Berdasarkan the nurse pnya pengetahuan dia rasa dia betul lah.. And the mama marah the nurse kenapa pula marah,tak nampak ke anak saya tengah sakit. minum pn payah.xkan nak paksa juga klu dah memng terang benderang xboleh..The mama cakap bgtu sebab dia tahu dia betul.
This situation mngingatkan saya tentang comment somebody yg cakap 'customer is always right '.. In the matter of other perkhidmatan, im going to say yes but in the matter of kesihatan im going to say no. If you know you are memang the one yang correct then why come here to seek treatment? Tak ke? Permudahkan cerita, i gave a very easy cerita to help the reason.
A month ago, adalah konon sy mencuci luka c adik ni.. cuci bukan alang2 cuci sebab this boy cry to heart..huhu.
cut :
The boy : besok sy xmo cuci luka sy..biarlah bgtu.. nurse cuci kasi sakit ja..uwaaaa.
Me : Sakit ka? sorry aa.. Jahat oo nurse cuci luka dia kuat2 supaya bersih n cepat sembuh..
The boy : Ya ( sambil angguk2)
Me : oooo..jadi, kalau nurse xcuci luka betul2 kc biar ja sampai kaki jadi buruk lepas tu kena potong kira bagus la kan..
The boy : Isk..isk.. Ya.
Me : Emmmmm...nanti esok2 kawan nampak boy xda kaki tnya mcmna boleh hilang nnt boy cakap la ada satu nurse ni yang baik xcuci luka sy sebab sy cakap tidak mahu..Sakit tu kena cuci luka... Begitu la kan.
Dan he terus diam..no answer..
2 ) Nurse akan sentiasa semakin menjadi2 di wad sebab itu rumah diaorang..Suka hati diaorang la nak manage rumah diaorang . kalau nurse x menjadi2, dok ikut je cakap parents pesakit je macammana la? a certain matter yg perlu ditegur , tegur la..the nurse i know xkan marah punya klu mmg btul silap diaorang. TOLAK ANSUR ANTARA DUA PIHAK tu amat perlu la.
3) Pasal bayar tu , tu hal masing2 la..Duit payah sikit nak sentuh tapi jangan la guna ayat bgtu..buat kecil hati ja..Haha.. Memanglah perkhidmatan tu not as perfect as what you hope tapi besyukurlah la yg masih ada insan yg sudi jadi nurse.. Memang nurse dibayar gaji tapi, kalau diri sendiri ditawarkan untuk jadi nurse, are sure u are ready enough to do the job yang orang kata MULIA dan KERJAYA PILIHAN TERAKHIR bak kata orang la.
Conclusion is :
Perasaan tak puas hati je sebenarnya antara dua pihak.. kepada pihak nurse, be mo considerate and jgn keras sangat and the both Mama, your understanding to our job profesion and situation sangat membantu kami dalam melaksanakan tugas kami.
First of all, its only story..Tak mahu hard feelings from mana2 pihak.Ianya sekadar cerita untuk santapan mata untuk peringatan dan pengajaran pada mana2 perlu dijadikan pedoman.Ianya boleh jadi salah pada mana2 pihak pun..setiap orang mempunyai pandangan berbeza.
So , here............
Its 9o'clock lebih sikit and i start my observation for 10pm.. while doing my job, i heard this two mama chit chat about a nurse behaviour in loud tones.. Dunno la if they sengaja wants me to hear the content of cerita2 kosong dorang tapi what to do, i heard juga..alang2 terdengar boleh hilang2kan boring dengan diaorang punya gossip.. sure hot la utk kita klu our job dijadikan cerita.. its just tooooo way interesting to my halwa telinga..haha
The topic is pasal the nurse marah the mama for not encourage her son to drink and she yell back the nurse and said that her son's in pain so that he not able to drink water.
Cut :
Mama1 : Kita kena
Mama2 : Betul juga.
Mama1 : Kalau kita marah diaorang, sekurang2nya diaorang tau juga.Suka2 hati ja marah orang.Bukan diaorang yang rasa sakit .
And me as the one of the pemegang title said ( dalam hati je..mana boleh cakap kuat2 ) " Amboi, sesedap rasa je nak marah2 nurse. Who do you think U are la .Tak ke sikit punya nonsense klu u nak marah nurse to do their nursing management. U know nothing yets U get angry to us.. Lepas tu cakap pula kitaorang nnt buat perangai menjadi2 di wad.. siapa di rumah siapa? I thought yang this ward is my second home. Is it us yg buat this hospital as tempat persinggahan sementara or is it U ? Then boleh lagi cakap macam tu..Bayar bill hospital.Memang la bukan kami yang bayar bill tapi we has a very big responsibility to help u healthy tau. To compared pun payah. The money yg U bayar tu ingat dapat cover ke kos rawatan utk anak U . There are certain medication yg anak U makan tu harga ribu2 ringgit. tapi when u keluar dari hospital u just have to pay at least mungkin a few hundreds ja."
Dah membebel dalam hati baru fikir balik pakai otak . " Alaaa, the mama should used the word of TEGUR THE NURSES so that they can considerate to her sons condition. Not MARAH THE NURSE. Lepas tu kena ubah ayat NANTI DIAORANG MAKIN MENJADI2 tukar kepada BOLEH BEHAVE THEMSELVES BETTER ka or whatsoever la and the most important is kami tau bukan kami yang bayar bill tapi kan kalau KITA SAMA2 BERTOLAK ANSUR KAN LEBIH BAIK. PUAN MANUSIA BIASA, SAYA PUN MANUSIA BIASA YG SIIIIIIKIT SPECIAL SEBAB KAMI ADA PENGETAHUAN UNTUK BANTU ANAK PUAN JADI SIHAT ( Atas izin Allah ) .
Jadinya :
1) Semua orang merasakan yang diri dia betul contohnya the nurse marah the mama xbagi anak dia minum sebab bila anaknya xminum air nnt dehydrated, lpas tu satu hal lagi cari urat nak cucuk sana sini untuk smbung air xpun sambung RT untuk bantu makan.Berdasarkan the nurse pnya pengetahuan dia rasa dia betul lah.. And the mama marah the nurse kenapa pula marah,tak nampak ke anak saya tengah sakit. minum pn payah.xkan nak paksa juga klu dah memng terang benderang xboleh..The mama cakap bgtu sebab dia tahu dia betul.
This situation mngingatkan saya tentang comment somebody yg cakap 'customer is always right '.. In the matter of other perkhidmatan, im going to say yes but in the matter of kesihatan im going to say no. If you know you are memang the one yang correct then why come here to seek treatment? Tak ke? Permudahkan cerita, i gave a very easy cerita to help the reason.
A month ago, adalah konon sy mencuci luka c adik ni.. cuci bukan alang2 cuci sebab this boy cry to heart..huhu.
cut :
The boy : besok sy xmo cuci luka sy..biarlah bgtu.. nurse cuci kasi sakit ja..uwaaaa.
Me : Sakit ka? sorry aa.. Jahat oo nurse cuci luka dia kuat2 supaya bersih n cepat sembuh..
The boy : Ya ( sambil angguk2)
Me : oooo..jadi, kalau nurse xcuci luka betul2 kc biar ja sampai kaki jadi buruk lepas tu kena potong kira bagus la kan..
The boy : Isk..isk.. Ya.
Me : Emmmmm...nanti esok2 kawan nampak boy xda kaki tnya mcmna boleh hilang nnt boy cakap la ada satu nurse ni yang baik xcuci luka sy sebab sy cakap tidak mahu..Sakit tu kena cuci luka... Begitu la kan.
Dan he terus diam..no answer..
2 ) Nurse akan sentiasa semakin menjadi2 di wad sebab itu rumah diaorang..Suka hati diaorang la nak manage rumah diaorang . kalau nurse x menjadi2, dok ikut je cakap parents pesakit je macammana la? a certain matter yg perlu ditegur , tegur la..the nurse i know xkan marah punya klu mmg btul silap diaorang. TOLAK ANSUR ANTARA DUA PIHAK tu amat perlu la.
3) Pasal bayar tu , tu hal masing2 la..Duit payah sikit nak sentuh tapi jangan la guna ayat bgtu..buat kecil hati ja..Haha.. Memanglah perkhidmatan tu not as perfect as what you hope tapi besyukurlah la yg masih ada insan yg sudi jadi nurse.. Memang nurse dibayar gaji tapi, kalau diri sendiri ditawarkan untuk jadi nurse, are sure u are ready enough to do the job yang orang kata MULIA dan KERJAYA PILIHAN TERAKHIR bak kata orang la.
Conclusion is :
Perasaan tak puas hati je sebenarnya antara dua pihak.. kepada pihak nurse, be mo considerate and jgn keras sangat and the both Mama, your understanding to our job profesion and situation sangat membantu kami dalam melaksanakan tugas kami.
Selasa, 22 Mei 2012
Penatnya bekerja..
EXHAUSTED ! Working with sick person is aint easy i tell you.. Memang la. nama lagi kerja. Mana ada yang mudah. Sedangkan tidur pun perlukan effort.
Habis seminar tiga hari last last week, thx to dear sis for giving me two days off. Kiranya rahmat Allah lah tu ye dapat off dua hari. I came to work with my smile and go back home with sigh.. Huhu.. Penatnya hanya Tuhan yang tau. I came to work 1330H and arrived home around 2230H. kerja sepanjang 7jam dengan kaki yang berjalan sekejap ke depan, sekejap ke belakang and tangan yang menarik, menolak dan memegang itu ini , betullah mencabar iman.
Masuk hari keempat, rasa exhausted tu memang betul2 terasa. Dengan last meal @ 8.30am, dan kerja syif petang, dealing with 11 admission and some chronic patient who needed a close obesrvation as the only JM with two staffnurses incharging for two front room makes me almost fainted. Berjalan macam diawangan , pandangan dah kabur2. Not taking rest and only drinking plain water how do i assumed my condition . Hoped yang the parents of the patients tak cakap yang this nurse are not paying attention to them. All i can do is come to them ,smile and saying sorry for lambat do what they wants. Thanks to them if they understands my situation, tapi kalau dalam hati menyumpah seranah secukupnya, nasiblah diri ini walaupun I tried my best.
Ya Allah, Kau kuatkanlah imanku. Sejujurnya , im just ranting all this things to kurangkan my burden.Bukan niat nak melebih2 atau action nak bagitau kununnya kerja nurse ni sangat susah kalau nak compare dengan kerja orang lain tapi at least perasaaan letih tu dapat dikurang melalui menulis.
Betullah letih , letih dengan kerja, tapi tak letih dengan senyuman and niat di hati yang nak diaorang sembuh cepat2 dicaj dari wad. Part tu memang ikhlas - seikhlasnya. Siapa yang tak happy kalau kalau tengok orang yang datang dengan lemahnya, dengan sakitnya, dengan rimasnya pulang dengan seri , senyuman dan ketawanya. Relatives happy, kitaorang lagi happy.
Lepas menulis ni barulah ada rasa lega sikit. Nak Diceritakan dengan kawan yang lain pun, semuanya busy. So faham2 sendiri ja lah..
Hmm, taktau dah nak tulis apa..dah kurang2 beban perasaan ni bolehlah tidur dengan nyenyaknya... Nanti next time bila insomnia pula, boleh tulis entry baru.
Jumaat, 11 Mei 2012
Ada kes dera Lagi...
Salam buat blog ku yang kiranya sudah ada beberapa hari tidak dikunjungi. Almaklumlah, tak tahu nak dipost cerita apa disamping agak2 sibuk dengan kerjaya seharian.
Semenjak dua hari ni sibuk ikut seminar OSCC / SCAN.. Rasa terdera tu ada juga la sebab duduk seharian dengar talk sampai punggung naik kematu dah. Dalam rasa terdera tu sebenarnya ada rasa enjoy untuk menikmati ilmu yang baru tu ..Muahuhu.. Mungkin orang jarang dengar whats the meaning of OSCC. sebenarnya OSCC tu (terlupa nak ingat yang full. wlupun seminar tak habis lagi ) dalam erti yang ringkas membantu insan2 yang di abused secara sexually , physically and yang sewaktu dengannya..
Nak di cerita banyak sebenarnya tapi tujuan utama hari ni membuat new entry adalah to sharing this short clips, dimana i saw this from the seminar. Try to find at youtube but there is no exactly the same so i ended up to make it roughly.
Semenjak dua hari ni sibuk ikut seminar OSCC / SCAN.. Rasa terdera tu ada juga la sebab duduk seharian dengar talk sampai punggung naik kematu dah. Dalam rasa terdera tu sebenarnya ada rasa enjoy untuk menikmati ilmu yang baru tu ..Muahuhu.. Mungkin orang jarang dengar whats the meaning of OSCC. sebenarnya OSCC tu (terlupa nak ingat yang full. wlupun seminar tak habis lagi ) dalam erti yang ringkas membantu insan2 yang di abused secara sexually , physically and yang sewaktu dengannya..
Nak di cerita banyak sebenarnya tapi tujuan utama hari ni membuat new entry adalah to sharing this short clips, dimana i saw this from the seminar. Try to find at youtube but there is no exactly the same so i ended up to make it roughly.
Tak perlu cakap banyak pun.. bla bla itu and ini.. Just watch this video is more than enough to give us kesedaran tentang betapa pentingnya the prevention from child abuse dan yang sewaktu dengannya.
Kalau nak cakap pasal HARAPAN, memanglah tinggi menggunung. Berharap yang lebih banyak kes dilaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa untuk melindungi kanak2 yang innocent ni.. Well, cakap banyak sampai keluar anak tekak pun takde guna kalau orang tak mahu memandang serius tentang perkara ni..
anyways, malam dah larut sangat and i need my rest for now.
Daaaa. and Assalam..
Selasa, 1 Mei 2012
Cerita Akalili....
Perlahan buku biru yang bertulis ‘ JUST A
MEMOIR ‘ diambil dan dipandang dengan pandangan kosong. Di sudut kecil bahagian
bawah buku tersebut tertulis sebuah nama yang dirasakan cukup indah . kemudian
diselaknya muka surat pertama .
" Saya ini bijak bestari,
Sudikah menguji sediakah bertanding ,
Wahai saudari yang wajah berseri,
Jikalau kalah jangan menuding, "
"Bravo , bravo.Good job Zeen ," galakan dari Aizan menyebabkan wajah si gadis yg duduk menentang Zeen semakin merah.
" Speechless , huh ? " dengan riak Zeen menambah tahap panas Zahera.Perlahan kerusi di tolak ke belakang dengan tangannya ligat menyusun buku yang bertaburan di atas meja.
" kura kura dalam perahu , pura- pura tak tahu," Zahera membalas dengan tone suara kaku.Hilang moodnya mahu bertekak dengan dua ekor cicak kubing yang suka mengusiknya.
" Amboi, ringkasnya balasan.Harga tak padan dengan jualan tu ," jawab Aizan laju.Zeen sekadar ketawa , tahu yang Zahera malas membalas usikannya.Kepala diangkat dengan bangga.Hari dia berjaya lagi mengusik Zahera, gadis yang menjadi idamannya selama ini. Zahera lantas bangun, bersedia untuk keluar dari kelas. Zeen segera menahan .
"Apa pula ni ?" Zahera bertanya dengan wajah tidak puas hati. Zeen tersengih sambil merenung mata Zahera yang kelihatan berkaca- kaca. " Awak tak balas pantun saya lagi. so, saya tak nak bagi awak lalu. Muktamad ! " Mata zahera membulat kerana semakin geram.
" Kau ! "
"Aizan dan Zeen is cenggerik ,
Mulut bising tak boleh henti ,
Kalau tak cenggerik , agaknya katak ,
Mengacau orang tak pernah serik ,
Kalau jemur kat bawah matahari terik , harapnya boleh shutdown tak? ,
Tadi kata bijak, rasanya takde pula Era tanya betulkah dia cerdik ,"
Semua yang berada di kelas ketika itu terdiam dan pandangan mata tertuju ke arah satu tubuh yang duduk di tepi tingkap sedang matanya menghala keluar. Hanya sepi sesaat kemudian....
Hahahaha, kelas 5tulip terus riuh dengan ketawa dari semua pelajar yang berada dalam kelas tersebut..Zeen segera menarik muka dan terus ke meja manusia yang berpantun tadi.Jelas riak wajahnya menunjukkan perasaan tidak puas hati terhadapnya .
"Hei,hei, apa ni? aku cakap dengan Era , yang kau dok menyampuk tu buat apa? Ada orang suruh ke? kata Zeen sambil duduk di meja namun langsung tidak mendapat reaksi. Dia terus memandang ke luar tanpa memperdulikan Zeen.
"Hello ? Hello? " Zeen melambai-lambaikan tangan ke muka nya.Dia kemudian memandang Zeen tepat ke mata dengan wajah yang tidak dapat ditafsirkan.
" Ya, anything i can do for you , dear? " ujarnya seolah-olah tidak mengetahui apa yang berlaku di sekelilingnya. Zeen serta merta terdiam. Terus terlupa dengan apa yang hendak dikatakan.Terkedu kerana seingatnya dia tidak pernah berbalas pandangan dengan sesiapa gadis sebelum ini.This girl kan somehow................
" See, now you are the one yang speechless ," tegur gadis tersebut sambil tersenyum selamba menyebabkan Zeen tersedar ke alam nyata.Zeen cuba berkata-kata namun tiada sepatah kata pun yang keluar dari mulutnya. Bertambah kaku melihat si gadis memandangnya dengan kening terangkat, tertunggu -tunggu suaranya keluar.
Dia akhirnya berjalan pergi meninggalkan Zeen yang kelihatan masih khayal dengan entah apa .
Pap !.Bahu Zeen ditepuk perlahan dari belakang menyebabkan Zeen tersentak .
" Kau okay ke tak ni? macam mabuk kepayang ja aku tengok ? " soalan yang keluar dari mulut Aizan menyedarkan Zeen yang dia masih duduk di meja si gadis yang menjawab pantunnya tadi..
"okey, "kedengaran lemah suaranya.. Aizan terus ketawa melihat gelagat kawannya yang seperti bingung..
" Are you sure you are fine ? " Zeen melihat Aizan dengan kening berkerut. Dia melihat Aizan yang tersengih macam kerang busuk dihadapannya.sepertinya.....
"what ?.. No,no,no..Aku okey la..jangan nak berangan nak sakat aku..aku tau apa maksud senyuman kau tu " kata Zeen cuba mengelak dari disakat Aizan. "Aku tak kata apa pun..Kau je yang buat-buat gelabah. ," ketawa Aizan semakin galak.
"Dahlah, jom balik. Melayan kau, sampai esok pun tak habis, " Zeen cuba menukar topik namun ketawa Aizan semakin kuat.
"Apa ? "
" are you in love ? "
" Hell , no."
"Yes, you do,"
Zeen tertawa melihat Aizan yang bersungguh-sungguh nak me-matchmakingkan dia dengan gadis tadi..Tidak cukup dengan tone suara, ekspresi wajahnya turut sama berubah menunjukkan keseriusannya itu..
" Let me tell you. young man. Come hell or high water pun. Zahera je yang aku nak pandang.So, the issue here is over.Full stop , " Aizan mengangkat tanda tidak berminat dengan jawapan Zeen tadi. Kalau itu yang dia mahu, terpulang la. Aku saja menyakat.
" Jomlah balik. Boring la nak sakat kau. Tak jadi ," ujar Aizan. Pantas rusuknya disiku zeen.
Hari pun terus berlalu,meninggalkan kenangan yang baru tercipta.
Dia akhirnya berjalan pergi meninggalkan Zeen yang kelihatan masih khayal dengan entah apa .
Pap !.Bahu Zeen ditepuk perlahan dari belakang menyebabkan Zeen tersentak .
" Kau okay ke tak ni? macam mabuk kepayang ja aku tengok ? " soalan yang keluar dari mulut Aizan menyedarkan Zeen yang dia masih duduk di meja si gadis yang menjawab pantunnya tadi..
"okey, "kedengaran lemah suaranya.. Aizan terus ketawa melihat gelagat kawannya yang seperti bingung..
" Are you sure you are fine ? " Zeen melihat Aizan dengan kening berkerut. Dia melihat Aizan yang tersengih macam kerang busuk dihadapannya.sepertinya.....
"what ?.. No,no,no..Aku okey la..jangan nak berangan nak sakat aku..aku tau apa maksud senyuman kau tu " kata Zeen cuba mengelak dari disakat Aizan. "Aku tak kata apa pun..Kau je yang buat-buat gelabah. ," ketawa Aizan semakin galak.
"Dahlah, jom balik. Melayan kau, sampai esok pun tak habis, " Zeen cuba menukar topik namun ketawa Aizan semakin kuat.
"Apa ? "
" are you in love ? "
" Hell , no."
"Yes, you do,"
Zeen tertawa melihat Aizan yang bersungguh-sungguh nak me-matchmakingkan dia dengan gadis tadi..Tidak cukup dengan tone suara, ekspresi wajahnya turut sama berubah menunjukkan keseriusannya itu..
" Let me tell you. young man. Come hell or high water pun. Zahera je yang aku nak pandang.So, the issue here is over.Full stop , " Aizan mengangkat tanda tidak berminat dengan jawapan Zeen tadi. Kalau itu yang dia mahu, terpulang la. Aku saja menyakat.
" Jomlah balik. Boring la nak sakat kau. Tak jadi ," ujar Aizan. Pantas rusuknya disiku zeen.
Hari pun terus berlalu,meninggalkan kenangan yang baru tercipta.
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